PRELUDIO, REZO Y CANTO A OBATALÁ - Prelude, Prayer and Chant to Obatalá

Obatalà is a prominent deity in the Yoruba religion, which is still widely practised in Cuba, Brazil and several countries whose cultural traditions developed under the influences of African cultures as a result of the transatlantic slave trade. The Prelude is a recreation of the inherent intricacies of the drumming taking part in the religious ceremonies but in this case the rhythms are devoid of precision. Prayer represents a more accurate representation of these Afro Cuban traditions since the guitars and the voices adopt a close approach to the rhythms and words involved in the rituals; and Chant takes an almost rhapsodic vibe where, true to both Martín and Domínguez style, the music develops into an invocation of diverse genres and sonorities from new-age, funk and jazz. 

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